Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Breast Implant Removal, but Were Afraid to Ask (2024)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Breast Implant Removal, but Were Afraid to Ask (1)

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Breast Implant Removal, but Were Afraid to Ask

Breast implants are one of those things some people (raises hand!) spend their entire lives fantasizing about. It seems strange then, to know, that very often people are visiting their doctor for implant REMOVAL. Why would anyone ever give these luscious pillows of cleavage up?!

It turns out people remove breast implants for many reasons, some of which have little or nothing to do with the actual implant. According the latest statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 38,071 breast implant removal procedures were performed last year.

“Very rarely is there a defect in the implant itself,” says Dr. Peter Neumann, Chief Plastic Surgeon, Nassau Plastic Surgical Associates - Roslyn, NY. Patients usually want to be larger or more natural which, can be achieved with silicone implants especially "Gummy Bear" or cohesive gel implants. “Board-certified plastic surgeons know the newest and ideal implants to meet your aesthetic goals. Make sure your physician has experience with these implants. They can be inserted via the lower fold of the breast, or around the nipple-areola, or through the armpit (endoscopic assisted),” explains Dr. Neumann.

The objective is to get a soft and natural fuller breast with a safe, long lasting result. The newer implants are guaranteed by the company not to fail during your lifetime. “Beware of possible complications such as bleeding, infection, firmness and inability to breastfeed. When the surgery is properly performed, these risks are minimal. Most women can safely breastfeed, have normal mammograms and easily perform self-exams,” says Dr. Neumann. When you go to an experienced plastic surgeon the risks are greatly minimized. This makes sense. Why would anyone let a doctor who is not experienced cut into their body?

That said, there are many reasons to remove or exchange breast implants.

Obviously, some women simply want an upgrade in size. “More often though, as women age, their breasts become droopier. This is especially true in women with large implants whose implant weight may contribute to sagging,” explains Dr. Ulysses H. Scarpidis, a board-certified plastic surgeon with Scarpidis Aesthetics New York Plastic Surgery in New York City.

During a breast lift, women oftentimes choose to exchange their breast implants for either the same size or a larger pair. In fact, increasing the size of the implants may provide a small but adequate lift to the breasts, sometimes evading the need for an additional breast lift. “With the advent of newer silicone and gummy bear implants, some women want to exchange their current implants for a newer, safer, alternative. Typically, implant manufacturers guarantee their implants for 10 years. This does not mean that in 10 years the implant fails, but rather that if within 10 years there is an issue with the implant, the manufacturer will provide a new implant for free,” explains Dr. Scarpidis. It is important to note that this may not cover the purchase of the other breast’s implant, or the surgeon’s, hospitals’, or anesthesiologist’s fees.

Breast implants typically fail because of mechanical or traumatic stress (i.e. friction caused by an implant rubbing against itself or a traumatic fall or a car accident that puts excessive pressure directly on the implant). “Interestingly, sometimes, although we may exchange the implants, the chief reason for the surgery has nothing to do with the implant,” notes Dr. Scarpidis.

Our bodies’ natural healing process creates a shell or capsule to surround breast implants. “Several factors may cause this shell to become thick, visible, firm to touch, and even painful, a condition called capsular contracture. Surgery to remove this shell and alleviate these symptoms necessitates removal of the implant as well. In these cases, patients sometimes opt for smaller implants to replace their current ones, thus decreasing their risk of capsular contracture recurrence,” explains Dr. Scarpidis.

Choosing implant type, size, location, and future replacement requires a complex decision-making process that consolidates the patient’s wishes with the doctor’s recommendations based on best practices. “It is imperative that patients seek out board-certified plastic surgeons, trained in the latest and safest techniques in breast surgery to achieve the desired results, while minimizing risks and complications,” says Dr. Scarpidis.

So, the reason behind breast implant removals is part a grass–is-greener scenario, part a necessary maintenance.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Breast Implant Removal, but Were Afraid to Ask (2024)


Do most people regret breast implants? ›

Many people regret having had cosmetic surgery, either because the outcome does not match the hoped-for image or because of complications. Research by Medical Accident Group found that 65% of people they polled regretted their surgery, though 28% were very happy with its results.

What do I need to know about breast implant removal? ›

The procedure itself will likely involve the following steps:
  • Anesthesia. Most breast implant removal surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. ...
  • Skin preparation. ...
  • Making an incision. ...
  • Removal of the implant and tissue capsule. ...
  • Incision closure. ...
  • Postoperative recovery.
Dec 21, 2020

What questions to ask for breast implant removal? ›

Where and how will you perform my procedure? What surgical technique is recommended for me? How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery? What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?

What do breasts look like after implants are taken out? ›

Your breasts will appear deflated at first, but they will increase in volume between 2-3 weeks after surgery. However, your breasts will not look the way they did before the initial breast augmentation procedure.

Do the Kardashians have breast implants? ›

The Kardashian family plastic surgeon

Kourtney Kashdashian had breast augmentation from Dr. Fisher, and she chose to go up one cup size. Her breast enhancement was considered to be a great success, and she credited her beautiful results to Dr. Fisher's careful work.

Does your life change after breast implants? ›

In some cases, a patient's boosted confidence after breast augmentation may also motivative healthy lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. Though breast implants do not completely transform a patient's life, they could be a positive inspiration and step toward self-improvement.

Should 30 year old breast implants be removed? ›

In actuality, there is no predetermined time frame for replacing breast implants. Saline or silicone implants typically have a lifespan of approximately 10 to 20 years, but they can endure beyond that. The need for implant replacement arises only when complications or issues arise.

Can breasts look good after implant removal? ›

There is the fear of looking deflated, out of proportion or saggy. Fortunately, after implants are removed there are many ways to re-shape the smaller, natural breast tissue remaining to create a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing breast.

At what age should breast implants be removed? ›

Starting on the day you have your breast augmentation surgery, a countdown clock starts ticking. Eventually, the implants will have to be removed. Breast implants generally last 10 to 15 years.

Do breasts fill out after explant? ›

Will they ever regain their natural shape? The short answer is yes: your breasts will eventually be visited by the “fluffing fairy” perhaps 12 months after your breast explant, helping you regain some volume and fullness.

How can I prepare my body for explant surgery? ›

How should I prepare for breast implant removal?
  1. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  2. Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

How do I prepare for implant removal? ›

Please ensure that you do not have unprotected intercourse 7 days before having your implant removed. It is important that you discuss future contraception prior to the implant removal. If you have had intercourse 7 days prior to your implant removal appointment, please re-arrange your appointment.

How long does it take to fully recover from breast implant removal? ›

The recovery period following breast implant removal or capsulectomy will vary from one patient to another, but on average, most patients will recover within one to two weeks. In about a week's time, the bruising and tenderness would have diminished significantly, enabling the patient to drive a car and return to work.

How can I tighten my skin after breast implant removal? ›

Wear a Compression Garment or Surgical Bra

They accelerate healing by helping you manage swelling, bruising, and discomfort after explant surgery. There are several advantages to using compression garments: Reduce swelling, bruising, and skin sagging.

Do you need muscle repair after breast explant? ›

Drains are placed into the old breast implant cavity and the area is soaked in local anaesthetic. Discomfort after this procedure is linked to the need for muscle repair – the more involved that the repair is, the greater the expected level of post-operative discomfort.

What percentage of people are happy with breast implants? ›

98 Percent of Women Satisfied with Breast Augmentation Results.

What percentage of people who get plastic surgery regret it? ›

Do Most People Regret Plastic Surgery? According to a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2021, only 4% of patients regretted their plastic surgery procedure. The same study found that 98% of patients were satisfied with their results.

Do people with breast implants feel anything? ›

A common concern is whether these implants will feel 'real'. Women are often also concerned about whether a partner would be able to notice the implants. Fortunately, when choosing the right surgeon and the appropriate implant type and position, the implants can feel and look 'natural'.

What happens if you never replace breast implants? ›

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Yarinsky, explains that while breast implants last for many years, they should not be considered lifetime medical devices. They can rupture or leak, and saline implants may deflate.

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.