John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (2024)

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (27)
John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (28)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:01 PM
By: TheAvenger(Member)

Perhaps you are forgetting about the part where Indy left Marion that happened sometime before Raiders...
"I was a child, I was in love, it was wrong, and you knew it." along with "Do you know what you did to me? To my life?" Yeah...nothing serious about real world issues there at all.

Oh...and child thieving Thugee's in Temple of Doom? Slave labor?


Henry Jones dying sometime before Crystal Skull was addressed in that movie.

Yeah, because a teen romance is exactly the same as a parent losing a child to war.

And whilst the slave labour in Temple of Doom was slightly real-world (they were not making knock off iPhones but I take your point), they were ALL saved. By Indy.

Nazis? Yeah, the ones in Raiders and Last Crusade are historically accurate, and i’m sure there will be deleted scenes on the next blu ray of them gassing Jews and committing other atrocities to take away from the comic-book way they were portrayed in the films.

And yes, Henry Jones Snr’s death (and Marcus’) was mentioned in Last Crusade - as a throw away line without a slow lingering close up on Harrison Ford choking up and getting tearful and having a soliloquy about how he wanted to change time to bring them back.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (32)
John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (33)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:04 PM
By: henry(Member)

TheAvenger, one of my favorite humorous moments of the series is when Marcus, Sallah and Henry Sr. think Indy went over the cliff and look over, and Indy walks up behind them and looks too.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (37)
John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (38)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:04 PM
By: TheAvenger(Member)

Not a single CD has been listed at eBay yet.

I'll be curious to see if anyone ever sells a CD, since so few were made.

I don’t do ebay as I don’t need the money and I don’t have the time to deal,with it, but i’d gladly sell my copy. Ordered in a moment of optimism that the score would be half way decent but i hate it as much as i hate the movie.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (43)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:06 PM
By: henry(Member)

Not a single CD has been listed at eBay yet.

I'll be curious to see if anyone ever sells a CD, since so few were made.

I don’t do ebay as I don’t need the money and I don’t have the time to deal,with it, but i’d gladly sell my copy. Ordered in a moment of optimism that the score would be half way decent but i hate it as much as i hate the movie.

I'll buy it from you.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (48)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:06 PM
By: TheAvenger(Member)

So, essentially what I’m saying is that if I was a teacher grading the work I’d give it only C for effort and that’s what I meant by “not giving a sh*t”.

Understood, and thanks for the explanation. I would say that in my experience (which is television, not film), I've really never known people to "not give a sh*t" (though in another thread, I did just last night tell the story of some actors who purposely tanked a performance, so I'm not claiming everybody is an angel).

In any event, now we understand each other's positions.

Respect, young man.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (53)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:10 PM
By: TheAvenger(Member)

TheAvenger, one of my favorite humorous moments of the series is when Marcus, Sallah and Henry Sr. think Indy went over the cliff and look over, and Indy walks up behind them and looks too.

That’s a great moment Henry! And then the hat blows into frame too!

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (58)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:11 PM
By: jamesluckard(Member)

But, unless I missed something, I don't think there has still been any official confirmation that it was exclusive or limited. It has only been listed for sale at one site, that site stopped sellng them, and that's all the info I think anyone has? Whether they press more is anyone's guess.

The official tweet on July 19 announced that the CD had been a limited edition and had sold out, even though it was never advertised as such:

That also suggests that it was a retailer exclusive, because if they had more stock for other retailers a month down the road, why would they have run out?

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (64)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:30 PM
By: Yavar Moradi(Member)

And sorry, that’s your evidence? That Mangold looked enthusiastic in press interviews publicising a movie he has a financial interest in? Hysterical. You get how marketing works don’t you? How many actors/directors etc have gushed over a project at the time of release only to admit it was a piece of sh*t later, and that they only did it for the money?

Directors are not obligated to engage with fans actively and enthusiastically on Twitter in the months (years, really) leading up to the film. Mangold's enthusiasm was palpable and genuine.

But given that I am being taken to task about my “Mangold didn’t give a sh*t” comment, I’ll rephrase it by saying that maybe if Mangold had given more of a sh*t about the legacy of Indiana Jones rather than his own authorship, we could have had a movie that was at least above average.

I actually think he did give more of a sh*t about the legacy of Indiana Jones than his own authorship. Many parts of the film which feel more compromised to me feel like his attempt to live up to that legacy (repeatedly indulging in action scenes a bit too long for example, when I would have preferred a less action-heavy installment and more contemplative one, given the age of the star... I think Mangold would have preferred that, looking at his past output).

And yes I accept that you think it was. But tellingly audiences don’t seem to agree with you. Whilst it’s not a flop per se it’s certainly not “boffo B.O” to use an industry term. The first Indy movie ever to not do so. Interesting that.

Box office has to do with a great many things (including marketing, timing of release, what other films come out around that release) which are not really the purview of the director. I adore Andrew Stanton's John Carter (of Mars), and it's one of the biggest flops of all time. I think the terrible marketing is maybe 90% responsible for that.

So yeah, fewer people are flocking to see this film. Meanwhile Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is -- by FAR -- the highest grossing entry in this entire franchise. Does that mean you think it is the BEST of the franchise, or at least most successful in the franchise? Last I checked it was rated 6.2/10 by regular folks at IMDb (behind 6.9/10 for Dial of Destiny).

Box office tells you how many people watched a film in theater...that's all. Doesn't tell you how good a film is, or even how much the people who watched it liked it. Around these parts, the majority of posters seem to think it was at least an improvement over the (again, highest-grossing) previous entry in the franchise. And some of those posters absolutely LOVE the film. So in terms of THIS audience anyway... you're wrong.


So you were the one audience member that didn’t laugh out loud at the arab swordsman scene in Raider eh?

I think I chuckled or snickered. I didn't guffaw like I did for that moment in Temple of Doom. (Again, my least favorite of the original trilogy by far, but it's got some great parts.) I don't understand your reply to me though, because I didn't say that part was the *only* "laugh out loud" moment for me in the series. Last Crusade had a few, for sure (involving Connery, not bumbling Sallah or Marcus, to be sure).

Or the two Thugee swordsman in Temple of Doom?

Naw, that was cheap fan service IMO. I think I rolled my eyes. It doesn't even really make sense considering Temple of Doom is set before Raiders!

Or the “I was the best man” line in Last Crusade?

"I *was* the next man!" is the line -- and yeah it was a good one. Worthy of a snort.

Or the Nazi-saluting monkey in Raiders?

That really made you laugh out loud? It was kinda cute in a disturbing way, I guess... but I never considered it a particularly funny part.

or the “nice try, Lau Che” in Temple of Doom?

Correct, no laughter there either, for me.

You must be a hoot at parties.

I can make my wife laugh and that's mostly what I care about. John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (65) But we really don't go to a lot of parties. Certainly not since the pandemic began.

PS. Your comments about the movie elsewhere are very fair by the way - you probably are fun at parties, i’m just joshing you.

No worries; thanks for clarifying.


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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (71)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:43 PM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

I think using Twitter/Facebook or other media as back up, in this case, is garbage. Sure, no director is obligated, but it's the way people are engaging with each other online. Why wouldn't he want to talk up the film on a place like Twitter?

Of course he's going to speak nicely about the film -- true or not. Does anybody believe he or any director that wants to be on the good side of Mr. Mouse, which keeps gobbling up more big properties and remaking old ones, is going to be negative about the film? Especially when not in theaters yet.

Come one.

But I guess we can know people's hearts threw the interwebs. Sure. It's right next to my Smell-O-Scope where I can smell things from millions of miles away in outer space.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (77)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-3:50 PM
By: Yavar Moradi(Member)

I think using Twitter/Facebook or other media as back up, in this case, is garbage. Sure, no director is obligated, but it's the way people are engaging with each other online. Why wouldn't he want to talk up the film on a place like Twitter?

But he didn't just talk up the film. He wasn't merely doing PR. He was fully engaged with fans, answering questions and giving information in a clearly genuine and enthusiastic public way. Not in a way that is typically done by directors of big franchise projects, frankly.


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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (83)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-4:20 PM
By: Andy C(Member)

The official tweet on July 19 announced that the CD had been a limited edition and had sold out, even though it was never advertised as such:

That also suggests that it was a retailer exclusive, because if they had more stock for other retailers a month down the road, why would they have run out?

I suppose it's very, very, very vaguely possible that additional copies would be pressed now or in the near future for other retailers but I consider that extremely unlikely. Disney printed a (presumably) small number of CDs, sold them and that's that. Still don't understand why they'd do a tiny print run of an Indiana Jones score with John Williams' name on the cover but presume they don't feel the CD market is worth the hassle and they'd rather push us to purchase the digital download.

I was one of those who added it to my cart when it was first put on sale and would have purchased it had the shipping to the UK not been twice the cost of the CD. As it happened, I emptied from my cart and planned to get it from Amazon UK. Am kicking myself now... Would love to own a copy but can only imagine the king's ransom that sellers on Ebay and Discogs will be asking...

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (89)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-5:17 PM
By: rdj252(Member)

But, unless I missed something, I don't think there has still been any official confirmation that it was exclusive or limited. It has only been listed for sale at one site, that site stopped sellng them, and that's all the info I think anyone has? Whether they press more is anyone's guess.

The official tweet on July 19 announced that the CD had been a limited edition and had sold out, even though it was never advertised as such:

That also suggests that it was a retailer exclusive, because if they had more stock for other retailers a month down the road, why would they have run out?

That’s all well and good for people who tweet, but for those of us with lives and no social media, seeing that on the we site’s page (that it was limited and how limited) would have been helpful. That last part was in my email to them. Surprisingly I got a reply today, but only saying they haven’t gotten to my inquiry yet. Still, that’s better than being completely ignored, which seems to be a 21st century way of doing things no matter where you go or who you’re trying to communicate with. Again, that’s why this old guy on his porch telling people to get off his lawn prefers the old ways where you actually talk with a human.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (94)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-7:35 PM
By: jamesluckard(Member)

Not a single CD has been listed at eBay yet.

I'll be curious to see if anyone ever sells a CD, since so few were made.

I don’t do ebay as I don’t need the money and I don’t have the time to deal,with it, but i’d gladly sell my copy. Ordered in a moment of optimism that the score would be half way decent but i hate it as much as i hate the movie.

I'd love to buy it too!

Might be best to start a thread for it in the trading thread and we can see how you want to work it out, I suspect you'll have people bidding against each other for it. John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (95)

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (100)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-7:39 PM
By: jamesluckard(Member)

Would love to own a copy but can only imagine the king's ransom that sellers on Ebay and Discogs will be asking...

As of right now, late on 8/2, nobody has sold a copy on eBay, there are no completed auctions, and there are no currently listed copies.

Nothing listed at Discogs either.

I really think it's possible only maybe 100 were made. Literally nobody is selling their discs.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (105)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-9:52 PM
By: Soundtrack Fanatic(Member)

Regarding the issue that it seems that we were all given the shaft when it comes to "actually" obtaining this CD... I absolutely can't believe this is even happening... A new Indiana Jones score, composed by John Williams himself (possibly his last film score ever), and no JW fan can acquire a copy... What has the world come to?... Again, I can't believe that I'm even typing this... but here we are. I know it's an extremely naive thought, but maybe more copies will somehow be made available in the near future... In the end, I'm not really thinking that anything will even come out of my posting here... I'm really just venting my anger, like everyone else...

I'm assuming that everything that I've heard here about this situation is accurate... I personally have not seen anything "official" regarding this, but others here have stated otherwise... All I know is that if it were not for the fact that I am a frequent visitor to this site and have read about this mess, I'd just be assuming that I could purchase it on the long-reported release date of August 9th...

Why would I order it nearly TWO MONTHS in advance... especially if there was (supposedly) no reason to? Well, I guess we all now know the answer to THAT question.

Why did they produce so few? It's Indiana Jones! It's John Williams! One minute it's up for pre-order, the next minute it's "extinct"? How many did they make before they pulled the plug... "TEN"?

Why didn't they make it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that it was a "limited run" exclusive to their site (if that's even true), and that one better act immediately if they want a copy?... Something is most certainly rotten in the State of Denmark.

And as far as the digital download and LP still being (as far as I know) available...
"No"... I don't want a digital download... If you can't hold it, you don't have it!
"No"... I don't want an LP... Those became extinct 35 years ago!

Ever since this new Indy film was first announced years ago, and ever since it was confirmed that the great John Williams would be retuning to compose the score, I have literally been counting the days to the moment that I would possess the new CD...
"Why would I ever think that could NOT be the case?"

I am completely capable of having to wait (for a reasonable amount of time) if I must before I can obtain a copy from an official outlet... but if they pulled some kind of stunt here, and there are no more to be had... well, that's just rotten.

And I'm definitely never going to give some grifter the satisfaction of paying $200 for it if it were to ever appear on Ebay, so I guess, barring some miracle, I will never have it... How utterly DEPRESSING.

Here's a wild thought... What if Williams' score is lucky enough to be nominated for next year's Academy Awards?...
What if it is lucky enough to win?... We would have a (basically) non-release for an Oscar nominated and/or Oscar winning score!
...And from John Williams, no less!

So, if this sad state of affairs concerning this CD release is indeed the true case...
This is no way to treat the greatest film composer of all time,
and no way to treat true life-long fans of the greatest film composer of all time.
To those responsible and in charge of making this botched decision... "Shame on you".

I'm sorry to go on like this, and I'll stop my ranting now, but this release was very important to me... You will never know how much I was looking foward to it... All five Indiana Jones films, along with all nine Star Wars films, are my favorite movies of all time... And these 14 scores are my favorite scores of all time... I have been collecting John Williams soundtracks for 46 years now (starting first, obviously, with LPs), and I have spent the past 33 years now making sure that my John Williams CD collection would ALWAYS be complete, ever since the late 80's when I made the decision to replace all of my LPs with CDs (as LPs became inferior and antiquated), and vowed to NEVER miss any future CD release from JW ... I have been 100% successful... until a few weeks ago with this unforeseen DEBACLE... All I know is that my four Indiana Jones CDs are asking me where their "new fifth brother" is, and
I don't have an answer for them (I just tried to make a little joke there, but the truth is that I am absolutely GUTTED and BROKEN).


It's now been a month since I saw INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY... I absolutely STILL can't stop thinking about it...
What a FANTASTIC Indiana Jones movie... I always loved all four films... It's great to now have ANOTHER to love just as much!

I am so saddened by the lack of box office success for this amazing film... Today's movie-going audience would rather turn a movie about Barbie into a billion-dollar phenomenon instead of IJ & The Dial of Destiny... I just don't know what to say... That would be like if, in 1981, my generation had turned Ringo Starr's "Caveman" into a billion-dollar phenomenon instead of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"!
Again, what has the world come to? But, mark my words... One day, this movie WILL be recognized for the greatness that it is...

Additionally, I guess that we all should better order the BLU-RAY of the movie the SECOND that it becomes available to do so...
You never know, it might ALSO get unceremoniously yanked from distribution 24hrs after it is first made available for pre-order!
Actually, I shouldn't joke about that... It just COULD happen... ANYTHING'S possible now, I suppose.

PS: Again, I apologize for the "negative" post... I've always interacted positively on this site... but I just can't help myself this time.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (110)
John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (111)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-10:41 PM
By: Andy C(Member)

I'm assuming that everything that I've heard here about this situation is accurate... I personally have not seen anything "official" regarding this, but others here have stated otherwise...

The only "official" word anyone's seen was the tweet from Disney Music Emporium's Twitter account on July 19th when - in response to a couple of queries asking why the CD was unavailable in the online store - they stated "...the CD was a limited run and has sold out."
Since then, nothing. A number of people on this Board and over at JWfan have queried it with DME (as have I), but I'm not aware of anyone receiving an actual response with useful info.
It's infuriating and I agree with you in that it's no way to treat what might be one of the final scores John Williams composes.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (117)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-10:55 PM
By: EdG(Member)

Here's a wild thought... What if Williams' score is lucky enough to be nominated for next year's Academy Awards?...
What if it is lucky enough to win?... We would have a (basically) non-release for an Oscar nominated and/or Oscar winning score!

It’s already happened. The Oscar-winning score for Black Panther never got an official CD release. Same studio and record label.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (122)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-11:10 PM
By: BrenKel(Member)

Here's a wild thought... What if Williams' score is lucky enough to be nominated for next year's Academy Awards?...
What if it is lucky enough to win?... We would have a (basically) non-release for an Oscar nominated and/or Oscar winning score!

It’s already happened. The Oscar-winning score for Black Panther never got an official CD release. Same studio and record label.

It happened with The Milagro Beanfield War in 1989. This score has never had a release.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (127)Posted:Aug 2, 2023-11:21 PM
By: Soundtrack Fanatic(Member)

It’s already happened. The Oscar-winning score for Black Panther never got an official CD release. Same studio and record label.

Well, that's just sad and ridiculous... I wasn't aware of that... I am so sorry for fans of that score and/or composer... I guess that I'm out of step with the times... I wouldn't think that anything like that would have happened much years ago... And if it did happen to others in the past, well that's just wrong, too... And regardless of that fact (and I don't mean to be cruel), the composer of BP is most certainly NO John Williams... John Williams, a living legend and national treasure, a veteran film composer of 65 years, and a previous 5-time Oscar winner, should NEVER be treated like this, with a practically non-existent so-called "release", and most certainly not be treated like that should his score happen to be lucky enough to be nominated and/or win an Oscar next year.

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John Williams' INDIANA JONES 5 (2023) (133)Posted:Aug 3, 2023-4:03 AM
By: Andy C(Member)

Am a bit embarrassed to write this but I managed to snag a copy of the CD from the Disney site a couple of hours ago; following which it's unavailable again.

Went there (like I've done most mornings over the week just to try my luck) and was able to see the CD in stock, add it to my cart, complete the checkout process and received a confirmation mail. Tried to buy two copies (in the hope of perhaps helping out someone who's also hunting for a copy) but got an error telling me there was insufficient quantity. As soon as I'd completed my transaction, the CD was again gone from their online store.

I half expect a mail saying there's been a mistake their side and they can't fulfil my order but they've taken my money (the Mouse doesn't hang about when there's cash to be had, it seems) so will wait to see if I get a shipping confirmation in the next few days.

My theory: people who ordered the double LP have been receiving mails over the past day saying the shipping date for that set has been pushed back to mid-Sept. so I wonder if someone had ordered both the LP and CD, got the notification that the LP won't be shipping for another six weeks and cancelled their order. If so, others might follow so it could be worth periodically checking the site...

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.