Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (2024)

Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (1)

Are you ready to unveil the secrets of the basem*nt storage on Cayo Perico in Grand Theft Auto Online? This covert operation will guide you into glitching your way into the hidden depths of the island, where untold treasures lie waiting to be discovered. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fueled adventure as we break through the barriers of the game and access this exclusive area. Get ready to witness the thrill of exploring Cayo Perico like never before!

Characteristics and Values of Glitching into Basem*nt Storage in Cayo Perico

Name of GlitchBasem*nt Storage Glitch
Type of GlitchPhysical glitch
LocationCayo Perico
Accessible AreasBasem*nt Storage
Requirements- Access to Cayo Perico heist
- Small and thin character model
Steps to Glitch1. Approach the entrance of Basem*nt Storage
2. Crouch and walk backwards towards the entrance
3. Continue to walk backwards and slightly to the side
4. Eventually, you will glitch through the wall and into the Basem*nt Storage
Potential Benefits- Access to additional loot
- Avoiding guards and enemies
Potential Risks- Possible detection by game developers and consequences
- May disrupt gameplay experience
Difficulty LevelModerate
Patch StatusNot officially patched, but there is a risk of future fixes
Additional Notes- Glitching can be considered cheating and may result in penalties
- Use at your own risk and discretion

What You'll Learn

  • Preparation and Equipment Needed for Glitching into Basem*nt Storage
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Glitching into Basem*nt Storage in Cayo Perico
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues When Glitching into Basem*nt Storage
  • Tips and Warnings for Glitching into Basem*nt Storage Successfully

Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (2)

Preparation and Equipment Needed for Glitching into Basem*nt Storage

If you're looking to glitch into the basem*nt storage area of Cayo Perico in GTA Online, there are a few preparations you need to make and some equipment you'll need. By following these steps, you'll be able to access the hidden storage area and potentially find valuable loot.


  • Select the "Play Job" option in the GTA Online menu.
  • Choose the "Rockstar Created" category.
  • Scroll down and select "Missions."
  • Look for the "Dispatch" mission called "Offshore Assets."

Equipment Needed:

  • A submarine: You'll need to own a submarine in GTA Online, such as the Kosatka, in order to access Cayo Perico. This allows you to start the mission mentioned above.
  • A Sparrow helicopter: This helicopter is a necessary tool to perform the glitch. Make sure you have it available, either by owning one or by stealing it from the rooftop helipad on the island during the mission.

Now that you're prepared and have the necessary equipment, you can proceed with the glitching process.

Glitching Process:

  • Start the "Offshore Assets" mission by using the submarine's planning table.
  • Once the mission begins, get inside the Sparrow helicopter and fly to the island.
  • Go to the marked location on your map, which is the entrance to the basem*nt. It should be near a dock, and there will be a yellow "Mission Objective" marker.
  • Land the helicopter near the entrance, but be careful not to touch the yellow marker.
  • Exit the helicopter and carefully walk towards the entrance. Do not cross the yellow marker.

Important Note: It's crucial not to cross the yellow marker, as this can trigger the mission's normal flow and prevent you from accessing the basem*nt storage area. Stay close to it without crossing.

  • Use your in-game phone to go into the camera mode and zoom in on the yellow marker.
  • Gradually rotate the camera view around the marker until you can see the floor texture changing color, indicating that a glitch is occurring.
  • Continue rotating the camera until you're able to see the basem*nt through the floor. This might take a few tries, so be patient.
  • Once you've successfully glitched into the basem*nt storage area, you can explore it to find valuable loot or complete any objective you may have.
  • To exit the glitched area, simply walk back outside the yellow marker.

It's important to note that glitching into the basem*nt storage area is considered an exploit and may be against the terms of service of GTA Online. Players who use these glitches are at risk of being banned or having their progress reset. Use this information responsibly and at your own risk.

Remember that Rockstar Games regularly updates GTA Online, and they may patch this glitch in the future. Be aware that glitches and exploits can have consequences, so use them responsibly and respect the gameplay experience for other players.

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Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (3)

Step-by-Step Guide to Glitching into Basem*nt Storage in Cayo Perico

Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (4)

Cayo Perico, the newest heist location in GTA Online, offers players the opportunity to explore a vast island and steal valuable loot. One of the most sought-after areas is the basem*nt storage, where you can find some of the rarest and most valuable items. While accessing this area may seem impossible at first, there is actually a glitch that allows players to bypass the normal route and gain access to basem*nt storage directly. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of glitching into basem*nt storage in Cayo Perico.

Step 1: Prepare Your Equipment

Before attempting the glitch, make sure you have the necessary equipment. You will need a Kosatka submarine, as well as a Sparrow helicopter or another aircraft that allows you to land and take off vertically.

Step 2: Head to Cayo Perico

Start by making your way to the Cayo Perico island. You can access the island by using your Kosatka submarine and directing it towards the yellow marker that appears on your map.

Step 3: Locate the Main Dock

Once you are on the island, head towards the main dock. This is the area where players typically start the heist. You will find it near the main mansion.

Step 4: Find the Blue Fence

Next, locate the blue fence that surrounds the main dock. The entrance to the basem*nt storage is located behind this fence, but the normal route is blocked. This is where the glitch comes into play.

Step 5: Position the Sparrow Helicopter

Position your Sparrow helicopter or other aircraft near the blue fence. The idea is to use the helicopter to glitch through the fence and into the basem*nt storage.

Step 6: Exit and Enter the Sparrow Helicopter

Now, exit the Sparrow helicopter and make sure you have a full health bar. Open the interaction menu and go to the Style section. Change something minor in your appearance, such as a hat, to save the changes.

Step 7: Glitch Through the Fence

Get back into the Sparrow helicopter and fly it backwards towards the blue fence. Quickly exit the helicopter by pressing the exit button (usually Triangle or Y on PlayStation and Xbox respectively). If done correctly, your character should glitch through the fence and land in the basem*nt storage area.

Step 8: Explore the Basem*nt Storage

Congratulations! You have successfully glitched into the basem*nt storage in Cayo Perico. Take your time to explore and loot the valuable items in the area. Keep in mind that other players can also glitch into the area, so be prepared for potential encounters.

It's worth noting that Rockstar Games may patch this glitch in future updates, so it's best to take advantage of it while it lasts. Additionally, always remember to play fair and within the rules of the game. Glitching can be considered cheating, and using glitches to gain an unfair advantage over other players is not encouraged.

That concludes our step-by-step guide to glitching into basem*nt storage in Cayo Perico. We hope you find this guide helpful in your heist adventures on the island. Good luck and may your loot be plentiful!

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Troubleshooting Common Issues When Glitching into Basem*nt Storage

Basem*nt storage is a highly sought-after area in the Cayo Perico heist in GTA Online. It is filled with valuable loot and can greatly boost your earnings. However, getting into basem*nt storage can sometimes be tricky due to various glitches and issues. In this guide, we will troubleshoot common issues when glitching into basem*nt storage and provide you with solutions to overcome them.

Issue: Can't access the basem*nt entrance.

Solution: If you are unable to access the basem*nt entrance, first make sure that you have completed the Cayo Perico heist finale at least once. This is a prerequisite for being able to glitch into the basem*nt storage. Additionally, check that you are on the correct side of the island. The entrance to the basem*nt is located on the southern side of the compound.

Issue: Cannot enter the compound undetected.

Solution: To enter the compound undetected, you must first ensure that you have completed the necessary prep missions and acquired the necessary disguises. The main disguise required for basem*nt storage access is the Guard Uniform. Without it, you will be detected and unable to enter the compound without raising the alarm. Make sure you have collected the uniform from within the compound during the infiltration mission.

Issue: Glitching through the door doesn't work.

Solution: Glitching through the door can be a bit tricky, but here are the steps to follow:

  • Stand close to the door and face away from it.
  • Step back slightly and start running towards the door.
  • Just before reaching the door, press the interaction button (usually E or F on PC) to open it.
  • Continuously tap the jump button (usually spacebar on PC) while running through the door.
  • If done correctly, you should glitch through the door and end up inside the basem*nt storage.

Issue: Getting stuck inside walls.

Solution: It is common to get stuck inside walls when glitching into basem*nt storage. If this happens, try the following steps to free yourself:

  • Start by pressing the pause button to enter the game's menu.
  • Go to the online tab and select "Find New Session."
  • Once you are back in the game, quickly make your way back to the compound and attempt the glitch again.

Issue: Can't access loot or interact with objects.

Solution: If you are unable to access the loot or interact with objects inside the basem*nt storage, it is likely due to network issues or server lag. Unfortunately, this issue is beyond your control, and there isn't a specific solution for it. The best course of action is to try again later or switch to a different session to see if the issue persists.

Remember, glitching into basem*nt storage is considered an exploit and goes against the intended gameplay mechanics. It is always recommended to play the game fairly and follow the rules set by the developers. However, if you choose to use glitches, be aware that there is a risk of getting banned or penalized by Rockstar Games. Use glitches responsibly and at your own risk.

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Tips and Warnings for Glitching into Basem*nt Storage Successfully

If you're an avid GTA Online player, you may have heard about the glitch that allows you to glitch into the basem*nt storage of the Cayo Perico heist island. This glitch can be a great way to access extra loot and complete the heist more successfully. However, it's important to keep in mind that glitching is against the game's terms of service and can result in consequences, such as being banned. If you still decide to proceed, here are some tips and warnings to keep in mind for glitching into basem*nt storage successfully.

Understand the Glitch

Before attempting the glitch, it's essential to have a clear understanding of how it works. The glitch involves manipulating game mechanics to glitch through walls and enter locked areas. It's crucial to have a good grasp of the steps involved and understand what you need to do at each stage of the glitch.

Find a Reliable Tutorial

There are several video tutorials and written guides available online that explain how to perform the glitch successfully. It's important to find a reliable and up-to-date tutorial that provides clear instructions. Look for tutorials that have positive feedback from users who have successfully completed the glitch.

Practice in a Solo Session

To minimize the risk of getting caught or encountering other players, it's recommended to practice the glitch in a solo session. This way, you can familiarize yourself with the mechanics and perfect your technique without interference from other players.

Be Patient

Glitching into basem*nt storage might require several attempts before you are successful. It's essential to remain patient and not get discouraged if you fail multiple times. Take your time, learn from your mistakes, and keep trying until you master the glitch.

Use the Right Character

Certain character models may make it easier or more difficult to perform the glitch. Experiment with different character models to see which one works best for you. Some players find that using a female character can make the glitch easier, while others prefer male characters. Find the character that gives you the best success rate.

Beware of Updates

Rockstar Games frequently releases updates for GTA Online, and these updates may patch existing glitches. Keep an eye on the game's official news channels and community forums to stay informed about any changes that might affect the glitch. If an update is released that patches the glitch, it's best to avoid attempting it until a new method is discovered.

Use at Your Own Risk

It's important to stress that glitching is against the game's terms of service. While many players use glitches without consequences, there is always a risk of being banned or punished. Consider the potential consequences before deciding to use glitches in the game.

In conclusion, glitching into the basem*nt storage of the Cayo Perico heist can be a tempting way to access extra loot. However, it's important to proceed with caution and make an informed decision. Use these tips and warnings to glitch responsibly, and remember that using glitches is against the game's terms of service.

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Frequently asked questions

To glitch into the basem*nt storage in Cayo Perico, you can use a specific method involving a keypad glitch.

The keypad glitch method requires you to approach the keypad outside the basem*nt door, press the interaction button rapidly, and then quickly start spamming the "E" key or the equivalent button on your gaming console to enter the basem*nt before the doors fully close.

Yes, for the glitch to work, you'll need to make sure you have completed the Cayo Perico Heist at least once and have the Pink Diamond as your target, as the interaction with the basem*nt door may vary with different targets.

Glitching into the basem*nt storage in Cayo Perico can be considered exploiting the game mechanics and could be seen as cheating by some players. It's important to remember that glitching can have consequences, such as being banned or penalized by the game developers.

The worth of glitching into the basem*nt storage depends on your personal preference. While it may result in obtaining additional loot or discovering secret areas, it's important to consider the potential risks involved and the ethics of exploiting a game glitch.

Mastering The Art Of Glitching Into Basem*nt Storage In Cayo Perico (2024)
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