Nonlinear Normal Modes in Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems | ScienceGate (2024)

Journal of Applied Mechanics



Vol 38(2)

pp. 561-561


Richard H. Rand


Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Degree Of Freedom

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

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Nonlinear Normal Modes and Localization in Elastic Vibro-Impact Systems With Multiple Constraints

Volume 5: 6th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Parts A, B, and C




David Wagg


Mathematical Formulation

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Degree Of Freedom

Lumped Mass

Localized Modes

Impact Oscillator

Mass System

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

In this paper we consider the dynamics of compliant mechanical systems subject to combined vibration and impact forcing. Two specific systems are considered; a two degree of freedom impact oscillator and a clamped-clamped beam. Both systems are subject to multiple motion limiting constraints. A mathematical formulation for modelling such systems is developed using a modal approach including a modal form of the coefficient of restitution rule. The possible impact configurations for an N degree of freedom lumped mass system are considered. We then consider sticking motions which occur when a single mass in the system becomes stuck to an impact stop, which is a form of periodic localization. Then using the example of a two degree of freedom system with two constraints we describe exact modal solutions for the free flight and sticking motions which occur in this system. A numerical example of a sticking orbit for this system is shown and we discuss identifying a nonlinear normal modal basis for the system. This is achieved by extending the normal modal basis to include localized modes. Finally preliminary experimental results from a clamped-clamped vibroimpacting beam are considered and a simplified model discussed which uses an extended modal basis including localized modes.

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Bifurcation of nonlinear normal modes in a class of two degree of freedom systems

Advances in Dynamic Systems and Stability



pp. 129-146


R. H. Rand

C. H. Pak

A. F. Vakakis


Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Degree Of Freedom

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

Numerical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes in Multi-Mode Models of an Inertially Coupled Elastic Structure

Volume 4: 7th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Parts A, B and C




Fengxia Wang

Anil K. Bajaj


Small Amplitude

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Degree Of Freedom

Elastic Structure

Internal Resonances

Reduced Order

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

Quadratic And Cubic Nonlinearities

There are many techniques available for the construction of nonlinear normal modes. Most studies for systems with more than one degree of freedom utilize asymptotic techniques or the method of multiple time scales, which are valid only for small amplitude motions. Previous works of the authors have investigated nonlinear normal modes in elastic structures with essential inertial nonlinearities, and considered two degree-of-freedom reduced-order models that exhibit 1:2 resonance. For small amplitude oscillations with low energy, this reduced analysis is acceptable, while for higher energy vibrations and vibrations that are away from internal resonances, this may not provide an accurate representation of NNMs. For high energy vibration and vibrations away from internal resonances, two natural issues to be addressed are the dimension of the reduced-order model used for constructing NNMs, and the order of nonlinearities retained in the truncated models. To address these issues, a comparison of NNMs computed for three different reduced degree of freedom models for the elastic structure is reported here. The reduced models considered are: (i) A two degree-of-freedom reduced model with only quadratic nonlinearities; (ii) A two degree-of-freedom reduced model with both quadratic and cubic nonlinearities; (iii) A five degrees-of-freedom model with both quadratic and cubic nonlinearities. A numerical method based on shooting technique is used for constructing the NNMs and results for system near 1:2 internal resonances between the two lowest modes and away from any internal resonance are compared.

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An Application of the Poincare´ Map to the Stability of Nonlinear Normal Modes

Journal of Applied Mechanics



Vol 47(3)

pp. 645-651


L. A. Month

R. H. Rand


Floquet Theory

Poincaré Map

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Theory Approach

Poincare Map

Linearized Stability

Nonlinear Normal

The Stability

Two Degree Of Freedom

The stability of periodic motions (nonlinear normal modes) in a nonlinear two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system is studied by deriving an approximation for the Poincare´ map via the Birkhoff-Gustavson canonical transofrmation. This method is presented as an alternative to the usual linearized stability analysis based on Floquet theory. An example is given for which the Floquet theory approach fails to predict stability but for which the Poincare´ map approach succeeds.

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Isolated Response Curves in a Base-Excited, Two-Degree-of-Freedom, Nonlinear System

Volume 6: 11th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control




J. P. Noël

T. Detroux

L. Masset

G. Kerschen

L. N. Virgin


Nonlinear System

Harmonic Balance

Global Analysis

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Basins Of Attraction

Response Curves

Restoring Force

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

In the present paper, isolated response curves in a nonlinear system consisting of two masses sliding on a horizontal guide are examined. Transverse springs are attached to one mass to provide the nonlinear restoring force, and a harmonic motion of the complete system is imposed by prescribing the displacement of their supports. Numerical simulations are carried out to study the conditions of existence of isolated solutions, their bifurcations, their merging with the main response branch and their basins of attraction. This is achieved using tools including nonlinear normal modes, energy balance, harmonic balance-based continuation and bifurcation tracking, and global analysis.

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Nonlinear Normal Modes in a Three-Degree-of-Freedom Vibration Isolating System with Internal Resonance.




Vol 68(671)

pp. 1950-1958



Noriaki YAMAsh*tA

Hiroyuki OISHI




Internal Resonance

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Degree Of Freedom

Nonlinear Normal

Three Degree Of Freedom

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Energy Transfer and Dissipation in a Duffing Oscillator Coupled to a Nonlinear Attachment

Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics



Vol 4(4)


R. Viguié

M. Peeters

G. Kerschen

J.-C. Golinval


Energy Transfer

Hamiltonian System

Nonlinear System

Duffing Oscillator

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Numerical Continuation

Damped System

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

The dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system consisting of a grounded Duffing oscillator coupled to an essentially nonlinear attachment is examined in the present study. The underlying Hamiltonian system is first considered, and its nonlinear normal modes are computed using numerical continuation and gathered in a frequency-energy plot. Based on these results, the damped system is then considered, and the basic mechanisms for energy transfer and dissipation are analyzed.

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The Construction of Nonlinear Normal Modes for Systems With Internal Resonance: Application to Rotating Beams

Design Engineering




Dongying Jiang

Christophe Pierre

Steven W. Shaw


Invariant Manifold

Internal Resonance

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Reduced Order Model

Degree Of Freedom

Beam Model

Order Model

Reduced Order

Nonlinear Normal

A numerical method for constructing nonlinear normal modes for systems with internal resonances is presented based on the invariant manifold approach. In order to parameterize the nonlinear normal modes, multiple pairs of system state variables involved in the internal resonance are kept as ‘seeds’ for the construction of the multi-mode invariant manifold. All the remaining degrees of freedom are constrained to these ‘seed’ variables, resulting in a system of nonlinear partial differential equations governing the constraint relationships, which must be solved numerically. The solution procedure uses a combination of finite difference schemes and Galerkin-based expansion approaches. It is illustrated using two examples, both of which focus on the construction of two-mode models. The first example is based on the analysis of a simple three-degree-of-freedom example system, and is used to demonstrate the approach. An invariant manifold that captures two nonlinear normal modes is constructed, resulting in a reduced-order model that accurately captures the system dynamics. The methodology is then applied to a more large system, namely an 18-degree-of-freedom rotating beam model that features a three-to-one internal resonance between the first two flapping modes. The accuracy of the nonlinear two-mode reduced-order model is verified by time-domain simulations.

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An Energy-Based Approach to Computing Resonant Nonlinear Normal Modes

Journal of Applied Mechanics



Vol 63(3)

pp. 810-819


M. E. King

A. F. Vakakis


Internal Resonance

Natural Frequencies

Linear Expansion

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Continuous Systems

Modal Interactions

Internal Resonances

Nonlinear Normal

Two Degree Of Freedom

A formulation for computing resonant nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) is developed for discrete and continuous systems. In a canonical framework, internal resonance conditions are immediately recognized by identifying commensurable linearized natural frequencies of these systems. Additionally, a canonical formulation allows for a single (linearized modal) coordinate to parameterize all other coordinates during a resonant NNM response. Energy-based NNM methodologies are applied to a canonical set of equations and asymptotic solutions are sought. In order to account for the resonant modal interactions, it will be shown that high-order terms in the O(1) solutions must be considered (in the absence of internal resonances, a linear expansion at O(1) is sufficient). Two applications (‘3:1’ resonances in a two-degree-of-freedom system and ‘3:1’ resonance in a hinged-clamped beam) are then considered by which to demonstrate the resonant NNM methodology. It is shown that for some responses, nonlinear modal relations do not exist in the context of physical coordinates and thus a transformation to a canonical framework is necessary in order to appropriately define NNM relations.

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Nonlinear Normal Modes in the Presence of Internal Resonances: An Energy-Based Approach

Volume 3A: 15th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise — Vibration of Nonlinear, Random, and Time-Varying Systems




Melvin E. King

Alexander F. Vakakis


Normal Mode

Normal Modes

Nonlinear Normal Modes

Continuous Systems

Modal Interactions

Internal Resonances

Weakly Nonlinear

Nonlinear Normal

The Stability

Two Degree Of Freedom

AbstractIn this work, modifications to existing energy-based nonlinear normal mode (NNM) methodologies are developed in order to investigate internal resonances. A formulation for computing resonant NNMs is developed for discrete, or discretized for continuous systems, sets of weakly nonlinear equations with uncoupled linear terms (i.e systems in modal, or canonical, form). By considering a canonical framework, internal resonance conditions are immediately recognized by identifying commensurable linearized natural frequencies. Additionally, the canonical formulation allows for a single (linearized modal) coordinate to parameterize all other (modal) coordinates during a resonant modal response. Energy-based NNM methodologies are then applied to the canonical equations and asymptotic solutions are sought. In order to account for the resonant modal interactions, it will be shown that high-order terms in the O(1) solutions must be considered. Two applications (‘3:1’ resonances in a two-degree-of-freedom system and ‘3:1’ resonance in a hinged-clamped beam) are then considered by which to demonstrate the application of the resonant NNM methodology. Resonant normal mode solutions are obtained and the stability characteristics of these computed modes are considered. It is shown that for some responses, nonlinear modal relations do not exist in the context of physical coordinates and thus the transformation to canonical coordinates is necessary in order to define appropriate NNM relations.

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Nonlinear Normal Modes in Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems | ScienceGate (2024)


What are nonlinear normal modes? ›

Nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) offer a solid theoretical and mathematical tool for interpreting a wide class of nonlinear dynamical phenomena, yet they have a clear and simple conceptual relation to the classical linear normal modes (LNMs).

What is a nonlinear mode? ›

A nonlinear model describes nonlinear relationships in experimental data. Nonlinear regression models are generally assumed to be parametric, where the model is described as a nonlinear equation. Typically machine learning methods are used for non-parametric nonlinear regression.

What is the difference between non normal and non-linear? ›

We say that a relationship between two variables is non-linear (that is, it is NOT linear). We might also say that the effect of one variable on another variable is non-linear in nature. On the other hand, we say that the distribution of a variable is non-normal (that is, it is NOT normal).

What is an example of a non-linear nonlinear equation? ›

An equation in which the maximum degree of a term is 2 or more than two is called a nonlinear equation. For example \[3x^{2}\] + 2x + 1 = 0, 3x + 4y = 5, this is the example of nonlinear equations, because equation 1 has the highest degree of 2 and the second equation has variables x and y.

How do you explain nonlinear? ›

Nonlinearity is a statistical term used to describe a situation where there is not a straight-line or direct relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. In a nonlinear relationship, changes in the output do not change in direct proportion to changes in any of the inputs.

What are the vibrational modes for non-linear? ›

In general, a non-linear molecule with N atoms has 3N – 6 normal modes of vibration, but a linear molecule has 3N – 5 modes, because rotation about the molecular axis cannot be observed. A diatomic molecule has one normal mode of vibration, since it can only stretch or compress the single bond.

What is non-linear modal analysis? ›

A nonlinear modal analysis is proposed to describe the dynamic behavior of nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom. systems.

What is a nonlinear model in statistics? ›

In statistics, nonlinear regression is a form of regression analysis in which observational data are modeled by a function which is a nonlinear combination of the model parameters and depends on one or more independent variables. The data are fitted by a method of successive approximations (iterations).

What is non-linear modulation? ›

Nonlinear modulation is a promising technique for ultrasonic non-destructive damage identification. A wireless sensor network is ideally suited to monitor large structures using nonlinear modulation in a cost-efficient manner.

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